Talk by Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna on August 24th as part of the EPSE Seminar Series
Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna gave a talk with the title "Energy systems analysis across scales, disciplines and application areas: an overview and some research highlights from PSI-LEA and ETHZ-ESA" as part of the EPSE Seminar Series.
This seminar gives an overview and some highlights of the current research activities at the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA) at PSI and the Chair of Energy Systems Analysis (ETHZ-ESA) in the Institute for Energy and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich. The four research groups and their approaches will be introduced before the main part of the presentation showcases some examples of past and current research. The examples of energy systems analysis relate to scales from individual buildings up to global, employ a wide variety of interdisciplinary methodologies, including optimization, simulation, machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and surveys, and address a range of sectors and application areas. The talk closes with an outlook over future research avenues across the field of energy systems analysis.
The streamed talked is available here